Tag: corruption

concerns revolving around Talent Health Labs, Kiki D’Aire, PASS, XXXstarPR & Michael Fattorosi

Alexandra Mayers of the PNTLIVE network reviews some questionable elements and concerns revolving around Talent Health Labs (a venture of Alert Cloud), public figure known as Michael Fattorosi (the lawyer who was involved with Pornwikileaks) and the criminal enterprise associated with sex trafficking within the pornography industry known as XxxstarPR.

As of current Talent Health Labs DOES NOT appear to be a part of the Free Speech Coalition’s PASS network.

the podcast that revealed how the adult entertainment industry’s “Unions” (APAG & IEAU) are built upon the foundation of SEX TRAFFICKING

In a Hot Sugar Tea interview on March 20, 2020 – the public figure (pornstar) known as Mrs. Kelly Pierce (aka Donald Shore) alleges that Phyllisha Anne aka Amanda Gullesserian attained money for the I.E.A.U. (the adult industry union that is responsible for creating APAG – the Adult Performers Actors Guild) by escorting.

Mrs. Kelly Pierce also claims to know the name of the “John” who gave Phyllisha the money to fund the I.E.A.U.

Is SEX TRAFFICKING the foundation BOTH the I.E.A.U. and APAG porn industry unions are built upon? If so, both unions need to be dismantled IMMEDIATELY!

I.E.A.U. founder Phyllisha Anne’s aka Amanda Gullesserian claims of bullying by non-elected acting Adult Performers Actors Guild president Alana Evans aka Dawn Marie Dangaard reflect Melissa Hill aka Lorrie Lizama’s claims of stalking, harassment intimidation and abuse by Alana aka Dawn Marie Dangaard.

The individuals known as Phyllisha Anne, Alana Evans and Melissa Hill are all public figures who’s legal names have been public knowledge for years. Referring to each of these individuals by their full legal names is not doxxing (and is far more appropriate than referring to them as their stage names considering that the issues that they are involved in today revolve around mainstream politics and legalities within the United States of America).

Last night on a podcast known as Hot Sugar Tea, the pornstar Alana Evans (known to out Donald Trump’s) situation with Stormy Daniels shared what sounded like a confidential communication exchange between herself and California Assembly Member Lorena S. Gonzalez in regards to Assembly Bill 2389 (a bill which would help to stop sex trafficking in the pornography industry). In the exchange Gonzalez allegedly states she believed she could get Assembly Member Christina Garcia to drop the bill.

The question is: why does Lorena Gonzalez appear to be so willing to help a pornstar (linked to illegal prostitution) squelch a California bill that could halt a substantial amount of sex trafficking within the pornography industry?

Not good.

It’s important to note that one of the lawyers who provides free services to the union Alana Evans is the non-elected President of ALSO provides his services to a prostitution (escort) agency known as The Luxury Companion.


Alberto Daniel Hill aka The Hacker – Mr. Robot meets The Matrix – part 2

Alex Mayers continues sharing the story of Alberto Daniel Hill ( @Adanielhill ) aka The Hacker and offers him some (harsh but solid) advice about life.

Alberto is a man who has gone down in history as the first “hacker” criminally sentenced to prison in Uruguay THOUGH today he is alleging that he was wrongly charged and essentially “set up” by a corrupt South American justice system.

As of current Alberto has “dropped a bomb” alleging that the Judge who sent him to prison is married to a man, who has a friend who attempted to coerce Alberto to hack into a bank (that he was once a customer of).

Please visit www.AlbertoHill.com and https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/25/ to learn details about Alberto’s amazing (and true) story – which is set to developed into a movie or multi part Netflix type series.

get to know Alberto Daniel Hill aka The Hacker

The PNTLIVE network will be conducting a multi-part educational series in regards to Alberto Daniel Hill aka The Hacker – get to know him on the following links:


DarknetDiaries (episode 25)



A commentary on recent revelations surrounding APAG Union President Alana Evans

12.07.2019 evening podcast via PNTLIVE.net

Alex Mayers provides a commentary and presents recent news, statements (tweets) in regards to acting Adult Performers Actors Guild Union President Dawn Vanguard aka Alana Evans and explains why (though for years she supported and spoke well of Dawn / Alana) in the past, she no longer can advise performers to join the APAG Union or lend much credibility to Dawn.
This podcast includes tweets from performer advocate Melissa Hill in regards to Dawn being the voice of Kelli Roberts and other activity Dawn has allegedly engaged in which could be viewed as unethical.
It’s important to keep in mind, Dawn Vanguard is not only public figure within the adult entertainment industry, she also has entered the political sphere considering her statements in regards to President Donald Trump of the Republican Party.